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Reasons to Attend the Annual National HR Summit

By 4:53 PM , ,

HR professionals, recruiters, recruitment providers and businessmen are invited to attend this year's HR summit which will be held on August 1-2 at Crowne Plaza Galleria.

Now on its 6th run, the theme is Talent Management to Sustain Growth. It will feature Mr. Peter Earnshow, Managing Director, Asia, Pacific and Japan at SilkRoad Technology, PMAP President, Ms. Grace Sorongon; PSTD President, Ms. Rita Bantigue; together with sought-after HR experts and speakers.

Topic highlights include Talent Management to Sustain Growth; The Future Work; Talentship and Sustainability – A New HR Program Paradigm; Identifying and Developing High Potentials; A Must: Coaching Program; WLP in Talent Management; Generating Employee Engagement Thru Exemplary Leadership; A Must: Wellness Programs for Life Balance; A Must: Pre-empting Discipline and Grievance; Developing Employee Personal Magnetism; Coaching for Results; Talent Development Strategies; Work Life Balance to Sustain Employee Engagement; Leadership Development and Succession Planning; Strategic HR Programs: Offensive or Defensive?; Executive Integration: Charting the Path to Success; Best HR Programs and Practices in Talent Management; and OD on Innovation and Creativity.

Among the mentioned topics above, I find 'WorkLife Balance to Balance Employee Engagement' interesting. For my own understanding, the topic will tackle best practices any employer could implement to have an employee stay and not think of transferring to another company or changing careers.

Topic highlights include Talent Management to Sustain Growth; The Future Work; Talentship and Sustainability – A New HR Program Paradigm; Identifying and Developing High Potentials; A Must: Coaching Program; WLP in Talent Management; Generating Employee Engagement Thru Exemplary Leadership; A Must: Wellness Programs for Life Balance; A Must: Pre-empting Discipline and Grievance; Developing Employee Personal Magnetism; Coaching for Results; Talent Development Strategies; Work Life Balance to Sustain Employee Engagement; Leadership Development and Succession Planning; Strategic HR Programs: Offensive or Defensive?; Executive Integration: Charting the Path to Success; Best HR Programs and Practices in Talent Management; and OD on Innovation and Creativity.

Sponsors for this event include the Philippine Daily Inquirer; The Job Market, Job Market Online, Pinoy Best Deals, Creativoices, Business Mirror, Dinsmor Promo, Megasardines, Resorts World, Agentsentral.com, Negosentro.com, techTV.ph, Citibank, Metrobank, HSBC,  Creativemax Advertising and Merchandising, Positive Steps, Galileo Enrichment Learning Program, Holiday Inn, Crowne Plaza, Sola Gracia Foundation, etc.  We are still accepting exhibitors and sponsors for this big event.  For inquiries, please call Randolf at 470 – 1055 -57

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  1. I'm an HR graduate and this event is the biggest HR summit where all HR people from small companies to big corporations gather to listen to the speakers who share their ideas on how to be an efficient HR in dealing with employees and make them competitive. Too bad I can't attend :(

  2. Seems like a great event. But 'WorkLife Balance'? Isn't that obsolete? We should be learning now how to integrate both and search for ways that each supports the other.

  3. Learning from the experts is one way to excel in your career. This is a great event!
